Posts Tagged ‘burn fat’

What’s up fit folks. I have been away from blogging but not away from fitness. I just wanted to post my current workout routine. For the last few months I have been working on perfecting a workout based on my fitness methodology. I believe that there are three true components into getting the body into righteous shape. Those components are:

  1. Resistance – Strengthens and Firms the Body
  2. Cardio – Conditions and Tones the Body
  3. Core – Balance and Define the Body

In which comes the name RC2 (Resistance, Cardio, and Core)

In my RC2 workouts I comprise all three components into one hardcore workout. I don’t know about you but I like to get it in when I can. Time is crucial and working out 6 to 7 days a week is not for me. Doing a session of cardio exercises like running on the treadmill and following that with an hour of lifting weights is so old school and inefficient. So why not do it all together. There are so many positives and advantages when you comprise Resistance, Cardio, and Core. On a later date I will blog about the advantages of RC2. So in the mean while check out my workout and let me know what ya think. Also this is an Advance Workout, however I do have some beginner and Intermediate workouts that I will post in future and by request.

Enjoy and Stay Fit


Based on a comment/request I received I thought it would be useful to post the Supreme 90 Day work out Titles, Times and a pic of the calendar. If you have any questions about the workouts use the comment section and I will reply. The workout times are shorter than the others (P90x, Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc…) but S90d is all about what you put into the workout. The Calendar link was provided by Hope and published by Clay Bowler on Scribd . Thanks Hope for the link and Clay for providing the Calendar. Here ya go!

WorkOut Titles and Times
Chest & Back – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 22:14, Cool Down: 5:57
Ultimate Ball – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 30:33, Cool Down: 5:57
Tabata Inferno – Workout: 37:45, Cool Down – 5:57
Shoulders & Arms – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 32:49, Cool Down: 5:57
Cardio Challenge – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 31:06, Cool Down: 5:57
Legs – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 22:51, Cool Down: 5:57
Total Body – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 23:17, Cool Down: 5:57
Core Dynamics – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 18:06, Cool Down: 5:57
Back & Bi’s – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 46:22, Cool Down: 5:57
Chest, Shoulders & Tri’s – Warm Up: 4:19, Workout: 34:51, Cool Down: 5:57
Supreme Rock Hard Abs (Bonus DVD) – Workout: 6:22


Stay Fit!

Part II:

Learning and knowing you fitness level can give you the data needed to add intensity to every workout. On my last post I received an awesome comment from Pam. All of her words was so encouraging and real. But her last ones stuck to me the most.

 “The INTENSITY, that comes internally, is making the whole journey fun.”

Pam hit it right on the nose. Intensity starts from the inside and consumes what’s on the out. Intensity not only will enhance your workouts, but it will enhance your attitude, your self-perception, and your fitness courage.


The first step to applying and analyzing your intensity is to know your fitness level. How can you know your fitness levels?

By documenting every rep, set, weight, time, mile, etc.… for every workout. This will give you the data needed to know your fitness level and to add intensity to your workout. Each and every workout will be a self-challenge to do and be better. You can increase the weights, increase the reps, change the time to complete, or any modification. Those simple workout changes will require more intensity to complete. It doesn’t take much to do the same workouts, same reps, same mileage, or same pace. Your body locks into that mode and learns how to endure. Adding and modifying your workouts requires an earnestness of purpose to achieve, “Intensity”.


The second step to applying and analyzing your intensity is to know your fitness goals.

What is your fitness goal?

An archer cannot hit the bulls eye if he doesn’t know where the target is.” Setting fitness goals are vital. It gives you something to aim at. So what is your goal? What do you plan to achieve? When do you want to achieve it? What is your desire outcome? Do you want to loose fat and retain muscle? Do you have an event in which you want to slim up for? Are you getting ready to compete in a fitness competition? WHAT IS YOUR GOAL?

Knowing your fitness goals sets your workout target. Your fitness goal allows you to develop, strategies, and plan for success. Each and every workout can be tailored and designed for your goal. The goal and time expected to accomplish will give you the knowledge to know how much intensity to apply. If your goal is challenging and you have a short time for accomplishment. You would add more intensity to your workouts. If you have more time for accomplishment, you can decrease the intensity and slowly increase intensity the closer you get to your targeted time. Intensity is like the gas paddle for a car. The less you press down on the paddle the slower you will go, you will burn less gas, and it will take longer to get to your destination. The more you press down on the paddle the faster you will go, more gas is burnt and you will arrive at your destination quicker. If you do not press down on the paddle, all you will do is set in idle, going no where. Do you see how important it is to know your fitness goals?

Are you ready to go for it now? Are you read to get the results you deserve? Are you ready to express great zeal, energy, determination, or concentration? Are you ready to exhibit strong feelings and/or an earnestness of purpose to achieve your fitness goal? Are you ready to have fun like Pam during your fitness journey?

All you need is to add Intensity. All you need is earnestness of purpose to achieve.


Are not getting and seeing the results you desire from your fitness plan? Are you bored with the same workouts? Have you hit a fitness wall and your body has not improved? Do you have stubborn body fat that will not go away?

Allow me to encourage you. You can get the results you desire. You can have fun working out and get pass that fitness wall blocking your improvement. Stubborn fat can be defeated. All you need is “INTENSITY“.

If you have seen any fitness infomercial, worked out with fitness DVDs, or exercise at a gym, you have heard the word intensity. You hear it in phrases like: add more intensity, dig deeper, go 110%, and go hard or go home. What are they saying? What does intensity really mean? How important is intensity for my workout plan? How can I be confident that my level of intensity is appropriate and applicable for my fitness goals?

Intensity Defined:

Webster defines intensity as the quality or state of being intense. It is a mental and physical state of expressing great zeal, energy, determination, or concentration. Exhibiting strong feelings and/or an earnestness of purpose to achieve ones goal. Working out requires more than just the movement of weights or resistance. It requires more than just hopping on a bike, jogging on a treadmill or stepping on elliptical. Working out also requires intensity. Intensity is the ingredient for improvement. Intensity improves conditioning, improves results, and improves confidence.

The importance of Intensity:

I have heard this time and time again: “I am not seeing any results from my workout plan”. I usually respond with these questions: “How often are you working out and how intense are your workouts? Are you giving a lot of energy during your workouts or are you going through the motions?”

Going through the motions can get you from point a to point b. But ask yourself what did you gain during that process. Of course in the beginning of your fitness journey you obtained some results by going through the motions. But your body is a very smart machine. It will adapt to your workouts. The more your body adapts to your workout the less results you will see. Intensity destroys body adaptation. There is no way for the body to adapt to proper and smart intensity. Intensity is the mental part of working out. It is as important as the exercise equipment, the personal trainer, the weights, and the fitness instructor. Intensity is the catapult to the next level of fitness in you. A workout plan that does not have intensity is a workout plan that will eventually lead to no results.

Intensity Application and Analysis:

Let us now see how we can apply and monitor our workouts for intensity. Intensity levels will vary for everyone. The intensity level for world-class sprinter will be different from a marathon runner. The intensity level for a body builder will be different from a power lifter. The intensity level of an individual that just started to workout will be different from someone who has been working out for a while. You get it?

The first step to applying and analyzing your intensity is knowing your level of fitness.

To Be Continued on next post: FitnessShock Exercise 101: Intensity Part II – Learning your fitness level and using that information to increase your workout intensity for ultimate results.


Now I know some of you are saying or have said, “Protein is for body builders, Protein will make me fat, I don’t want to get bulky and huge, Protein is not for me I want to be lean, Why do I need protein?”.

Did you know that protein is second to only water as the most abundant nutrient in the human body and all living tissue is made of the amino acids that are present in protein. These amino acids are what maintain the health of our skin, eyes, hair, and guess what, OUR MUSCLE. A body supplied with sufficient protein is a body that will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle. The more lean muscle you body has, the less lazy fat it keeps. Based on those facts alone, “and there are more”, protein is necessary for fitness success.  Now if you have read this far, you have to be interested in finding out how you can add more protein to your daily diet.

You can find protein from all kinds of sources. There are natural sources for protein. For example eggs, chicken, beef, milk, etc.…. if it had a face, than it is protein. Also naturally speaking you can find protein in plants.  For example nuts, beans, rice, etc.… in which are considered incomplete proteins. An incomplete protein does not have all of the amino acids the body needs to build muscle. Incomplete proteins are best when paired up with a natural source of protein. There are also manufactured proteins. Manufactured proteins are your protein powders and bars. You can find protein supplements just about at any local store these days.  This is where protein can get just a little confusing and overwhelming. At the store you will see Whey protein, Whey Isolate, Casein Powder, Soy Protein, yada yada yada. How in the world can someone choose the right protein according to his or her fitness life style? We can go into detail regarding the differences of each and compare them but it is not necessary for this blog. I believe the answer lies right on the packaging label. When I purchase protein powder I look at the label and first see how much protein per scoop. Then second I see how much carb per scoop. My goal from the product is to get as much protein I can get with as little carb as possible. Carbs are our friend but we don’t want carbs to be our best friend. I will save carbs for another post.

How much protein do we need daily?

The jury is still up for this question. You can find tons of articles and post on this question alone. For this answer it really depends on your workout intensity plus duration and your fitness goals. I stand by the 1-gram to 1-pound ratio because it fits my fitness life style. My goal is to build muscle and burn fat. I have been implementing 1:1 for about two weeks. I will post a results update soon. All in all protein needs for one may not be the same protein needs for another. Here is a calculator by the University of Maryland Medical Center to calculate personal protein levels based on age, height, activity level, and your build.

You can use the calculator to get your starting protein point. Than based on the results you are getting. You can increase or decrease the amount.  We are our own personal lab rat. LOL!

Here is a helpful link to a High Protein food list:

In conclusion, protein is necessary for your fitness journey.  Protein provides the platform for your body to repair and build muscle. Muscle is the platform for energy to burn fat.



I have a lot of work ahead of me to get my body into the shape I desire. What is that desire? Hmmmm, to be ripped! LOL! In my last post I mentioned that I was starting a new workout that incorporated Insanity, Pose Running and FitnessShock resistance workouts. Due to the intensity and my age I just could not endure Insanity + Running. My left ankle could not take the jumping. So I had to remove Insanity from my workouts and make a few changes to my resistance workout. My resistance was focused on lifting 70 – 85% heavy with high reps and low sets but I decided to change it to a 60 – 70% weight with high rep, and low sets. This will plan will focus more on fat burning. I don’t think I need add more mass at this point.

My nutrition has also changed. I have now added supplements: Whey protein two times a day, BCAA twice a day, Creatine once a day, and Casein for last meal. My main meals are Protein, Carbs, and Veggies. My goal is to have 3 meals with  at least 40 – 50g of protein, 35g of Carbs, and 1 – 2 cups of Veggies.

To be honest, I have been up and down with the meals, but consistent with the supplements. I am currently weighing 242lb. The weight increase is probably due to my ankle injury and the lack of cardio. My ankle is back strong now, and my body feels good. So I should see some real results soon. In my next post I will blog about some of the supplements I am taking and how it is affecting my body and the workouts. I am also pondering on adding videos. I want to video display my workouts, some of my creative meals and my p progress.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or some cheers (LOL we all need some form of inspiration). Just drop me a comment. Thanks for reading and following me during my Supreme 90 Day journey. Look forward to some new post on my fitness journey and some helpful fitness blogs on supplements, resistance training, Cardio workouts and Pose Running.

Stay Fit!

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.   Sir Winston Churchill

Over 3 months ago I welcomed Supreme 90 Day to come along with me and be apart of my fitness journey. I wanted to see what challenges S90Day had and if this workout could take my body to the next level. I am what some might call a Fitness freak, a workout machine, that fit guy, that crazy neighbor that’s always jogging, or my daughter puts it “Dad your Buff”. I like my daughter’s description of me. But if I were to describe my self in one word or a phrase it would be impossible. Simply put I just like to workout and to keep my body moving.

Before S90Day I worked out with other similar programs. I worked out with Power 90, P90x, Insanity and Taebo. All of those workout programs have their pros and cons. I can give you specific details on what they are but I don’t think that’s necessary. The beauty of those programs is that they are available. They are easy to access, and easy to setup at home. They give the average human an opportunity to be fit and a platform to embark on a fitness journey. But most of all the programs will assist you with getting the body you have always wanted. Now, let me first be honest about my journey. I have learned that working out will change your body. You will build muscle and lose fat. But if your nutrition is not consistent and efficient; you will NOT get the results you desire. If working out is the key, than proper nutrition is the key chain that pulls of your workouts together. While doing s90day my nutrition was not on point until the last cycle. I noticed my weight stayed right at 248 and I started the program weighing 252. I knew than I had to focus more on my nutrition. Once I made a few changes to my nutrition, and I didn’t starve myself. I ended s90day weighing 239. Now weight is not a good way to measure fitness success but it does show progress in the right setting. My muscle mass has not change and my energy level improved.

S90day is an awesome workout and I love the workout times. The workouts are not to short or to long and they were very efficient but yet challenging. Utilization of the stability ball was awesome and I will be using the ball from this point on. The fitness instructor Tom Holland was great and very smart on how he designed the program. My body never got to a point where it was over worked and could not perform. S90day constantly keep my body in what I call a Shock mode. It never allowed my body to get adjusted to a particular workout. The scheduled layout for this program was excellent. All in all I would recommend this workout to anyone. I would recommend this workout to a stay at home mom, or to a fitness buff dude like me, LOL. It doesn’t matter. S90day can fit any individual at any level. You best believe I will do S90day again. What’s next for me? At this point I don’t know. What I do know is that I will “Endbeg”. Endbeg means that when ever there is an end there is a new beginning for me to embark on. Stay tune, and I will let you know whats next.

Stay Fit!

Why do people focus completely on the scale and pay little to no attention to their muscle? The scale is over rated and muscle is under appreciated. The scale is worshiped as the key to progress and success; while muscle is overlooked and disregarded. There is a constant bombarding from the media with weight loss programs, weight loss supplements, and weight loss diets. I saw a commercial the other day stating that you can lose 30lbs in 30 days if you take this magic pill. So it is easy to be influenced and brain washed into worshipping the scale. Yes, it feels awesome when you place your feet on the mighty scale and see a decrease in your weight. Yes, it is easy and a simple process to measure fitness on the scale in some degree. What you should know is that when you weight yourself you are weighing fat, bone, water, and muscle. All four components of the body plus organs make up your body weight. So what are you really losing when the weight decreases on the scale? Is it fat, water, or muscle? What we should want and aim to lose is “FAT” but our goal should be to gain, build, and maintain muscle. Muscle not only looks good, but it is an active body component that burns calories. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories burned during and way after workouts. A pound of muscle occupies less space than a pound of fat. Which means you could weight the same or more but is smaller in size. Tom Venuto says it best, “Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but let’s face it – muscle looks better than fat”.

Let me some it up, focusing only on the scale will you lead too inconsistent and disappointing results; focusing on lean muscle and less body fat will lead you to a body that consistently burns and produce positive results.

There are ways to measure lean body mass and body fat. I will blog on the subjects in the near future.

Supreme 90 Day 78 – 80

I have 10 more workouts left. I am excited but in limbo on what I will do next. There is a good chance that I will do a round 2 for Supreme 90 Day. Also, I am interested in Beachbody Asylum workout, My FitnessShock HIIT workout, or P90x. I don’t know but definitely want some type of resistance. How about you comment and offer some suggestions.

Stay Fit!

Cheers, shouting, applause, screams, and high fives are all game time characteristics of a true fan. No matter how down their team is or how ahead the true fan will consistently hold true to their game time character. No point deferential, no deficit, high or low a fan will always have hope. Even when facing a lost nothing can change the mindset of a #1 Fan. Athletes at all levels in a wide range of sports can testify to the power of a #1 Fan.

 The question I ask you today is: Who is your #1 fan?

You are asking yourself why would I have or need a fan. Who in their right mind would admire me and be enthusiastic about it. Some of you might be able to answer quickly who your fans are, but the majority of us cannot name one. However, in your fitness journey we all need to have someone cheering, shouting, and applauding us on. We need that fan who would pull us through to victory when times get rough. When you are wrestling with fatigue during your workout and cannot muster up energy to complete the last set; we need that fan. When you’re starting your workout and mentally cannot overcome the stress of life to push on; we need that fan. When your body is saying no, just take today off; we need that fan. Again, I ask you: Who is your #1 fan?

To my surprise and maybe to yours, the answer to that question is You. In your fitness journey you are your #1 fan. You should admire and be enthusiastic about yourself. You should cheer, shout, and applaud yourself on. Every workout, every set, ever rep, and every exercise should be accompanied and driven by your internal fan. Your fitness companion, #1 Fan, is there with you rather times are up or down. Rather you complete your workout in superb fashion or in mediocre effort, your #1 Fan is there.

Cheer yourself on, shout yourself to the next exercise, applaud yourself when a set is complete, high five yourself when your workout is done, and be your #1 Fan.

Supreme 90 Day 65-66

I had Ultimate Ball on day 65. I think my ball is getting a little flat or maybe I am the one getting flat, LOL. I love but truly hate this workout. I love the way my core feels tight afterwards but during I just despise it. To release frustration and unintentionally burn more calories I often find myself punching the ball. Allow me to thank Tom Holland, creator of Supreme 90 Day, for creating the Ultimate Ball workout. I admire your creative work with the stability ball and can say from experience that it works.

Stay Fit!

Fitness is the only time when being a bully is okay. It is okay to sneer and know that you have the power to overcome any fitness obstacle. It is okay to have an arrogant, confident, and tenacious attitude in your fitness journey. Being the fitness bully will allow you to push and move any opposing force. You are faced day after day with opposing forces attempting to hinder or stop you from being the fit person you desire. Obstacles and opposing forces comes in many forms. We see them daily at work, at school, at the gym, and even in our homes. We just have to be conscious and aware that there is an opposition out there seeking to destroy your fitness plan. It is not time to be pushed around, but it is time to push off, push on, and press upon those opposing forces in order to achieve your daily, monthly, or yearly fitness goals. Say to yourself:

  • I am an overcomer
  • I am consciously aware
  • I am confident
  • I am tenacious
  • I press
  • I fight
  • I push
  • I am a fitness bully

Supreme 90 Day 61-64

I am in my last 30 days and I am really enjoying this ride. I feel so powerful. Yes, physically but really I feel powerful mentally. Supreme 90 Day has truly strengthened my mental game. I can’t wait until last day to celebrate, but also to push off to the next fitness ride.

In my last post I stated that my next post was going to be Part II to “Competition and #1 Fan”. But I had to get this post off my chest. Thanks for reading.

 Stay Fit!