Posts Tagged ‘muscle’

Cheers, shouting, applause, screams, and high fives are all game time characteristics of a true fan. No matter how down their team is or how ahead the true fan will consistently hold true to their game time character. No point deferential, no deficit, high or low a fan will always have hope. Even when facing a lost nothing can change the mindset of a #1 Fan. Athletes at all levels in a wide range of sports can testify to the power of a #1 Fan.

 The question I ask you today is: Who is your #1 fan?

You are asking yourself why would I have or need a fan. Who in their right mind would admire me and be enthusiastic about it. Some of you might be able to answer quickly who your fans are, but the majority of us cannot name one. However, in your fitness journey we all need to have someone cheering, shouting, and applauding us on. We need that fan who would pull us through to victory when times get rough. When you are wrestling with fatigue during your workout and cannot muster up energy to complete the last set; we need that fan. When you’re starting your workout and mentally cannot overcome the stress of life to push on; we need that fan. When your body is saying no, just take today off; we need that fan. Again, I ask you: Who is your #1 fan?

To my surprise and maybe to yours, the answer to that question is You. In your fitness journey you are your #1 fan. You should admire and be enthusiastic about yourself. You should cheer, shout, and applaud yourself on. Every workout, every set, ever rep, and every exercise should be accompanied and driven by your internal fan. Your fitness companion, #1 Fan, is there with you rather times are up or down. Rather you complete your workout in superb fashion or in mediocre effort, your #1 Fan is there.

Cheer yourself on, shout yourself to the next exercise, applaud yourself when a set is complete, high five yourself when your workout is done, and be your #1 Fan.

Supreme 90 Day 65-66

I had Ultimate Ball on day 65. I think my ball is getting a little flat or maybe I am the one getting flat, LOL. I love but truly hate this workout. I love the way my core feels tight afterwards but during I just despise it. To release frustration and unintentionally burn more calories I often find myself punching the ball. Allow me to thank Tom Holland, creator of Supreme 90 Day, for creating the Ultimate Ball workout. I admire your creative work with the stability ball and can say from experience that it works.

Stay Fit!

Fitness is the only time when being a bully is okay. It is okay to sneer and know that you have the power to overcome any fitness obstacle. It is okay to have an arrogant, confident, and tenacious attitude in your fitness journey. Being the fitness bully will allow you to push and move any opposing force. You are faced day after day with opposing forces attempting to hinder or stop you from being the fit person you desire. Obstacles and opposing forces comes in many forms. We see them daily at work, at school, at the gym, and even in our homes. We just have to be conscious and aware that there is an opposition out there seeking to destroy your fitness plan. It is not time to be pushed around, but it is time to push off, push on, and press upon those opposing forces in order to achieve your daily, monthly, or yearly fitness goals. Say to yourself:

  • I am an overcomer
  • I am consciously aware
  • I am confident
  • I am tenacious
  • I press
  • I fight
  • I push
  • I am a fitness bully

Supreme 90 Day 61-64

I am in my last 30 days and I am really enjoying this ride. I feel so powerful. Yes, physically but really I feel powerful mentally. Supreme 90 Day has truly strengthened my mental game. I can’t wait until last day to celebrate, but also to push off to the next fitness ride.

In my last post I stated that my next post was going to be Part II to “Competition and #1 Fan”. But I had to get this post off my chest. Thanks for reading.

 Stay Fit!

Recently, I witnessed the Dallas Mavericks winning the 2011 NBA Championship. In game 2, Dallas was down 12 points with 7:13 seconds left in the game. Dewayne Wade hits a 3 pointer right in front of the Mavericks bench. Miami begins to celebrate like the game was over. Despite of the current situation, despite of the score, and despite of the odds, the Mavericks came back and won the game. Yes, the Mavericks were down in points due to the team’s offensive and defensive efforts but they kept a relentless attitude. The Mavericks were up for the challenge and would not give in to their competition.

I have come to recognize that there are two companions that accompany us on our fitness journey. In this blog, we are going to focus on companion 1. Companion 1 is our biggest competitor. Lets call him, “Challenge”. Webster defines competitor in one word, “rival”. Rival is one that strives for competitive advantage. Ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Who is my competition?
  2. Who has the advantage?

The Mavericks were in a hole with all odds against them and time was not on their side. They were not performing they way the knew they could and Miami appeared to have the competitive advantage. The challenge was before them.

In our fitness journey, we are faced with the same challenge in every workout. The only exception is that we do not have a Dewayne Wade or LeBron James to face. We do not have an opposing team striving to have the advantage. What we are facing and rivaling against is our biggest competitor, “Ourselves”. Each and every time we workout should be a challenge for us to be better than the last workout. Self-challenge is our companion and our motivator to excel. This rivalry is never ending. The advantage will swing back and forth but it will bring out the best in us. Every movement, every exercise, every rep, and set should be a competitive self-challenge. We should have the same tenacity and relentless attitude like the Mavericks. Challenge is our competitive companion motivating us to do and be better than were before.

Supreme 90 Day Review Day 55 – 60:

My strength, knowledge, and conditioning are at its best now. Supreme 90 Day has been an excellent workout. I have 30 days left but I know that this workout is beyond 90 days. I will always utilize Supreme 90 Day workouts as part of my fitness journey. The only thing I have not committed to for this workout is the nutrition plan. For the last 30 Days, I am going to focus more on the nutrition.

Stay Fit!



This weekend I came across a passage that used the word “Observe”. The author utilized the word in a way to remind the user to pay close attention and learn. In our fitness journey, we tend to focus on getting the job done. This is not a bad thing but there is more available to you than, “Just Doing It”. When we workout we should always make it a point to observe. We should pay close attention to our exercises, our movements, how we are performing and what we can do to improve.  Place yourself under observation and learn how you can make your next workout better. Take out time during or after your workouts to write out your completed sets, reps, resistance and time. Do a self-analysis on your performance. Write down how you felt before, during and after your workout.  Observing and documenting your workouts will improve your performance and will produce positive results for your fitness journey.

Day 47 – Tabata Inferno – I really felt good after this workout. Of course, I was physically worn to pieces but mentally I felt awesome. My resistance and reps are increasing for the allocated times. I am seeing improvements overall.

Stay Fit!


Focusing on weight loss could be that very thing that is sabotaging your Fitness journey. We use the scale as a monitor for Fitness success. If the scale is not showing a decline in our weight, we get frustrated and blame our Fitness plan. Don’t get me wrong measuring and tracking your weight is an important factor for Fitness accomplishments but it is not the final conclusion to Fitness success. Let me tell you a secret:

“There are other ways to measure your Fitness success.”

          1. % of Body Fat
          2. Performance Ability
          3. Stress Level
          4. Health
Let me encourage you and let you know even if you do not see changes in your weight loss as frequent or as rapid as you want, you are still succeeding in Fitness. Your body fat is getting lower. Your performance and conditioning is getting stronger. You have less stress and your health is improving. There is more to Fitness than your weight. Believe me once you focus less on your weight and more on enjoying your Fitness journey, the scale will show the difference.

Stay Fit!


There are days when you just do not feel up to working out. Your mind and body are in war. The mind is disabling your body with mental excuses. The body is waring the mind with signs of fatigue and physical stress. We all have to face this war. It happens to the beginners and to the elite.  What can one do to overcome and defeat the battle of Mind and Body in this War of Fitness.

One strategy I use and is highly recommended by tons of fitness experts is to possess something that energizes you. This something can be a goal, a picture, a training partner, or even a Personal Trainer. Anything you can use in your Fitness journey to activate, awake, provoke, recharge, and inspire you to get up and move. We all need a jump start sometimes. Utilize anything you can come up with to give you that spark. Everyday will not be perfect but Everyday can be successful.

Day 44 – Cardio Challenge

I had a good workout. It was not great. Some of the sets I could not even finish, but that is ok. It has been a busy week for me at work and with my family. All in all I turned the tv on, popped in the DVD, and went to work. I think I may be hitting a wall mentally but I will press pass this stage. Wish me luck.

Stay Fit!

Tic – Toc – Tic – Toc

Hear the sounds of the persistent clock. Time does fly and it does not pause for anyone. We must take every minute that we are blessed with as a gift to do greater than the last. Our current is advancement from the past and a thrust to the future. We must appreciate and know that we have a mind to succeed right now in Health and Fitness. Utilizing your past, by working in the current, brings expectations in the future. Enjoy your life and celebrate your Fitness.

Day 43: Legs

The second cycle for this workout is crazy. This workout is not as long P90x Legs and has less leg exercises but the front back lounges are killers. It’s a burn like none I have ever felt. Each and every time I do this workout I feel like I will not make it to the end but somehow I do. What a great feeling of accomplishment I get.

Stay Fit!

My Wife’s Blog on Tabata Inferno!

Either you want it or you don’t

That’s what my glutes, thighs, core and arms kept screaming throughout the Tabata Inferno workout.

Either you want it or you don’t!

Through the jump lunges, either you want a tight butt or you don’t. Through the deadly blurpees, either you want a toned core or you don’t. Through the painful mountain climbers, either you want chiseled thighs or you don’t!

This week I made up my mind that in order to have the body that I want, I have to  lace up my shoes and get to work.

  • First, I assessed where I was…..Overweight! (by my standards anyway)
  • Second, I took note of why I had failed so many times before. Besides I had just about every workout program none to man. But time after time, I start, get bored and I stop. Well, this week all of those programs came in handy. To combat my boredom, I did a different workout everyday.

Hence the post for today. This morning I asked my husband what workout he was doing and he said it was the “Inferno” day. Man ooh man! What a burn! When it was all over I burned a little over 500 calories! I will definitely put this in the rotation!

So I will say it again, either you want that hot body or you don’t!

The choice is yours!

To read more from her check out at

Stay Fit!

What do you want out of life? How do you want to feel internally and externally day in and day out? Do you accomplish the goals you set daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly? Do you seek after your passions and dreams? Do you have a burning, a strong desire to do or to achieve something that requires hard work and determination?

“Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it. The man who knows how will always have a job. The man who also knows why will always be his boss. ” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Go and possess your Dreams! Be determined, be relentless, and persevere. Know without a doubt what you desire, Be without a doubt what you desire, and Work without a doubt what you desire.

Day 41 – Cardio Challenge

My overall conditioning is really improving. Cardio Challenge is still a challenge because this workout is not built on reps or sets. It is based on time intervals of 30 seconds. So there is no end to what you can do. I will start writing down the number of reps I complete for each exercise. This will allow me to measure my conditioning. So I can set goals for the next day for Cardio Challenge.

Stay Fit!

Stopping is NOT an Option!

The fear of failure and the confidence needed to overcome obstacles hinders millions today from achieving their fitness goals. We are intimidated by the inter knowledge of ourselves frighten to take on fitness because of past experiences and present circumstances. Simply put, “WE ARE SCARED TO FAIL”!

Even if you fall flat on your face, at least you are moving forward! Sue Luke

Allow me to encourage you to fight against this inter demon “FEAR”. The only way to win is to show up for the fight. Keep on moving forward with your Fitness Plan. Do not allow obstacles, compromises, disappointments, shackles, and road blocks; Get you down and cause you to STOP!

Stand, Recognize, Learn and Keep moving Forward. Stopping is NOT and Option!

Day 39: Rest – I did rest. My allergies and sinuses are kicking my butt.

Day 40: Legs – WOW my legs are burning as I type. Those front and back lounges are no joke. What an awesome leg workout Tom created. Compared to P90x leg: This workout is much shorter, but P90x does include the back. In which is great if you want to only focus on the legs. I will continue to use the Supreme 90 Day Legs workout even when my 90 days are up.

Stay Fit!